Life now

I never thought that i will be back to write again on my very old wordpress blog. Who’s back! Mungkin kalo wordpress adalah buku hardcover,dia adalah kumpulan buku diari yang udah gue plastikin dibelakang kamar in a very dusty room full of unnecessary stuff but still have the memory to pity to move away. Me here in my bed,staring my wordpress blog with new theme and thinking.

Well.. my life sekarang udah bukan mba mba kantoran yang ngisi waktu luang curhatan di wordpress. I pity myself sometimes. I usually write on my notes on my phone then i looked at back uh when i wrote about it,wheek then i deleted. But hey i have blog anyway i can write and shared anonymously and i kept it here forever 👍🏽.

03.15 yeah its am means i have serious problem with my sleeping time. I could say i have sleeping disorder. Who tought that im nearly 30 in few weeks and i still sleep alone in my bed thinking about what should i do in the morning. Hmm well..

I really enjoy writing back in the days. I enjoy reading as well but technology keep me sucks and make me lazy. Shit happens when u born in 90’s with new fresh of newspaper daily and now i just watch and read all shit on my phone like shorter than tajuk rencana Kompas. 😂 if you know what i mean

Life is pretty amazing shit i lied. Life is shit. Shit happen sometimes. Yeah.. like i say. Life is shit sometimes. But here we are now, I’m in my late 20’s,jobless,pile of debt, in relationship with someone in strange world,single but taken, have sleeping disorders and have 2 beautiful cats called iggo and bule. And keep thinking oh yeah this is nice blog re-introduction to welcoming Me to my old blog. Yeah I’m back!

Diterbitkan oleh coffeebreaks

Enjoy coffee breaks!

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